All Tomorrow’s Oceans (Release)

Xuan Ye 叶轩 · All Tomorrow's Oceans 所有明日的海洋

All Tomorrow’s Oceans is Xuan Ye’s long-term multimedia art project that attempts to manifest oceanic desire through computational and improvisational image and sound making.

The audio-visual performance with the same title premiered in its full length of 35 minutes at Send + Receive Sound Festival in 2020:

The improvised soundscape renders primarily human voice with one microphone as the only input. The original recordings were split and mixed into two 10-minute-long tracks by Xuan Ye, and principal mixing by Jason Doell in 2023.

Audiovisual performance in 2020 (excerpt):
More about the art project:

Xuan Ye 叶轩 is an interdisciplinary artist who currently spends most of their time living the recursive being and cosmic becoming on Turtle Island. Their music and performance often experiment with free improvisation, computational randomness, algorithmic instructions, amplification and feedback, the noise of the field, hybrid chaos of somatic gestures and mediated bio-electrical currents. Their LP xi xi 息息 (Halocline Trance, 2019) is an “intriguing debut album of disjointed, abstract computer music and free improv” (Boomkat). Their split-collab tape Breath Fractals released with Chik White (Notice Recordings, 2019) “draws on a vocabulary of shattered sonics, as if the pair had broken a musical window and pieced it back together in as many ways as they could imagine” (Bandcamp Daily). Lauded as “one of Canada’s most exciting voices in textural soma”, they have performed at numerous experimental music festivals and DIY shows, sharing programs with Phew, Pharmakon, Chris Corsano, Carl Stone, Alex Zhang Hungtai, Xylouris White, GOOOOOSE, etc.


Ma Jing Ruo Shui 马境若水 (Character Totem 万水千山只等闲) x Xuan Ye 叶轩 (All Tomorrow’s Oceans No. 5 所有明日的海洋第五号)

Born in 1960 in Yumen, Gansu, China, Ma Jing Ruo Shui (马境若水) is a veteran who works in the research and creation on Chinese character totems, based on Zhou Yi (周易), Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内经), and Shan Hai Jing (山海经) as academic cornerstones. His works have been exhibited in Macau, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, and Russia. He is the co-founder of The Hundred Islands Project (百岛计划) in Wanshan Archipelago, China.